Nice Panorama

Biot : virtual tour of the old village

Biot has a history that has not escaped the major wars that have occurred in the region. From the 11th to the 13th century, Biot belongs to the Bishop of Antibes and the Count of Provence. In the early 13th century, the Count of Provence donated the land to the Knights Templar. The Lordship of Biot is at this time divided between the Bishop of Grasse and the Templars. In the early 14th century after the abolition of the Temple, Biot is given to the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem (“Knights of Malta”).

In the late 14th century, the plague and the war of bands decimate the population which abandons the village. It will be necessary to wait for the end of the 15th century so that king René repopulates Biot with about fifty families came from Liguria. In the 16th century, the village was besieged by troops of the Duke of Savoy. In the 18th century, the village is plundered twice by the Austro-Sardinian troops then Austro-Piedmontese.

Biot knew always how to attract craftsmen. In the 18th century, the village of Biot contained 32 factories of potteries employing 200 workers. Nowadays, Biot received the national label "City and Art professions" of the Society of Encouragement in the Professions of Art and the National Confederacy of Art professions. It is true that the skills of craftsmen (master glassmakers, potters, ceramists and jewelers) installed in the village is great.

Biot contains numerous glass factories, the Living Museum of Glass and the International Glass Gallery. Biot also hosts many museums: the national museum dedicated to Fernand Léger, the museum of history and ceramic of Biot, and the Bonsai museum.

Visiting the village one can admire the Church Square with its polychrome pavement drawing two Maltese crosses and the church rebuilt in the 15th century. We can stroll through the Square of the Arches (Place des Arcades) with its characteristic architecture and watch the two doors of the village dating from the 16th century.

Place de l’Eglise
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Porte des Tines
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